Monday, February 6, 2006

Rational Exuberance

Marta Hummel wrote a good and well-researched story on local bloggers and blogging in general, "Bloggers' exuberance declines considerably," in today's News & Record.

I especially like it because I get quoted in the same story with Glenn Reynolds and Ed Cone, two big-time bloggers! Ed likes it somewhat less.

Marta quoted me very accurately, but she didn't punctuate one sentence as I had expected, or as I would have preferred. She wrote that I said,

Writing, well, takes a lot of time and research and effort.
which is a verbatim transcription of the words I actually said. But what I meant to communicate was,
Writing well takes a lot of time and research and effort.
I've been hammering my students this semester about the importance of punctuation in writing. Maybe I'll use this as an example.

Or make them go out and buy Eats, Shoots & Leaves.


Diane Grey Davis said...

Hey David,
You seem to have regained some of your exuberance. Good for you and for your readers.

oregoncelticlady said...

Darn that over-use of commas!!! :-)
Knew you couldn't stay away! Yours was the very first blog I ever read and then I started mine! So, this new addiction would, technically, be your fault! *laugh* By the way, if you and your irish dancers are ever int he Northwest, we would love to be your hosts for a feis. My dancers fairy pics are on my blog if you want to show your daughters...