Which means in Latin, "goodbye, friends."
2006 will be a very busy year for me and my family. I spent a good deal of time over the holidays contemplating my priorities and goals, and I've come to the conclusion that, much as I have enjoyed communicating with you through this blog, I need to focus my limited energies on other projects this year.
It has been a real pleasure to get to know those of you who have read and commented, either on the blog or in person. I learned a lot and had great fun. Hope you did, too.
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Valete O Amici
Posted by
David Wharton
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
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Good luck and G-d speed. There's a void to be filled in your absence.
Oh. :-( That's sad, but you have to do what you have to do. Are you going to keep the blog up in case you decide to start writing again? It's been great reading this blog and it's usually one of the first I check daily. You'll be missed!
Say it ain't so, David.
You've worked hard on this blog and deserve a sabbatical. I hope that you'll still chime in on blog discussions, as your expertise on certain topics is appreciated and needed, and unique.
You're going out on top, just like they say to. Nicely done.
Exsisto frigus.
Amen, you will be missed! Please don't think it a dishonor to change your mind. But really, I understand how you feel. (I'm almost there myself.) Good luck with your real-world projects.
Well that sucks! Your voice will be missed, as it taught me more about parking garages, traffic flow and sidewalk patterns than I ever knew existed. We'll all welcome your return should you reconsider ... until then, know that you contributed something no one else can even come close to replicating. Now please, don't let Sam stop blogging. I love that kid!
Learned a lot from your blog and am sad to see it go - but thanks for what you put into it and good luck with your new projects.
Your classics-style Blog-Fu is very powerful, though no match for my Stooge-style. I made you a going-away present to honor your rededication to the study of Ancient Grease.
Sad...and happy. Keep us updated on your new things. Maybe we'll have to see you in real life instead of "here."
Ditto all the above. It's been good, and don't be a stranger.
So sorry to see your blog end. I have learned so much about Greensboro (after living there for 30 years), about cities in general, and about graceful prose. You are a great teacher.
oh whew, sigh of relief, I thought you were about to say you were leaving Greensboro! Thanks for spreading urbanity around our little town awhile. Maybe one day they'll rename the Gate City after your famous blog; meanwhile, we hope to see you around!
I know so well what saying goodbye to a blog means. Good luck, David, and find a way to keep what you wrote. You will want to remember it when short-term memory becomes a challenge.
Still give us occassional pictures of the puppies.
I enjoyed your blog - it is one of the best in the triad.
but...but... if the urge to exposit should strike, the blog will still be there for you right? or are you resolving that you won't blog no matter what?
please to keep in mind that there is nothing wrong with a very occasional blog post.
You will be missed. UNCG voices are both valuable and necessary. Plus, you gave everyone a very clear idea of how a blog should work.
I will leave alittleurbanity.blogspot.com in my bookmarks as a small memorial and token of appreciation. I didn't comment much but I read frequently.
I'll miss reading your posts, Dave, but seeing a courageous men take a bold step makes me want to be a better dad, husband, and friend...and if I want to visit with you over a cup of coffee and find out what you're really thinking, I know where to find you...Peace,
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