I spent a long afternoon with the citizens' advisory team working on the rewrite of Greensboro's land development ordinance. We got an overview of Greensboro's Comprehensive Plan, then an overview of Greensboro's current development ordinance. Fascinating. No, really! Hey, you should be interested in this stuff, because some time in the next two years the new land development (i.e. zoning) ordinance is going to apply to your property. Don't say I didn't warn you.
Then I spent another two hours getting certified as a stroke-and-turn judge (no jokes, Mr. Sun) for the Community Swim Association. Expect some state-of-the-art swim-blogging from me later this summer. Go Frogs!
I'm going to be away at my brother's wedding this weekend, so I won't be blogging for a few days. Trajan and Hero will be here holding down the fort, however.
And while I'm gone, you might want to have a look at Sunday's Ideas section in the News & Record. I'll have a piece there about neighborhoods.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
Holding Down the Fort
Posted by
David Wharton
Thursday, May 19, 2005
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No jokes from me; I think you done good. I'm about a year out from being at a place where I can volunteer like that -- and I miss the buzz of ideas and learning new stuff. I will find other things to make fun of you about, possibly how your dogs look like the twins from The Shining. Redrum!
Hate that movie, gives me the creeps. I Like ZULU better.
Oh yea...GO FROGS!!! The Gators don't stand a chance this year...
What breed are your dogs? Very unusual-looking.
Mr. Wharton's neighborhood sounds like a wonderful place! I was recently in the Cooper-Young Historic District in Memphis. It sounds like the kind of place you describe in the paper. Perhaps the Gate City's historic districts could integrate some train trestle public art like they have in Memphis. Honoring "old urbanism" as well as new. . .
Nice work in today's N&R! You have the vision right. If we could only get enough people on board to make it happen.
Keep up the good work. The community should be grateful for what you do. I know I am.
Thanks, JW. You've done your bit for our community too -- tho' I won't say what it is, 'cause I don't want to give your secret identity away.
Salt Lick, my dogs are Belgian Malinois -- a great breed if you're a dedicated dog nut like me. But very high maintenance.
Anonymous, thanks for the Memphis link. My own neighborhood has a train trestle at its entrance, too, but the trains are still running. Thanks for the link.
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